
How To Make The Most Out Of WWR’s 2022 Remote Job Fair

Remote Job HuntingWWR NewsEvents

We’re so excited about the WWR Remote Job Fair of 2022, and we hope you’re just as pumped!

This year’s going to be the first async remote job fair, which means you can join and interact with the top remote companies wherever you are, any time you want.

So to make sure you get the most out of our action-packed event, we’re diving into everything you need to know beforehand, such as:

  • What you can do at the 2022 WWR Remote Job Fair
  • How to register for it (psst -- it’s free!)
  • Using the venue like you’ve been there before
  • An event lineup to sync with your calendar 
  • Which remote companies will have virtual booths
  • … and lots more!

Let’s kick off our job fair guide with an event rundown:

What is the We Work Remotely Remote Job Fair?

Our remote job fair allows job seekers to meet and get to know the best remote companies in the world that are currently hiring.

The venue’s virtual doors will be open March 16, 17, and 18, 2022.

During this time, attendees can explore workshops, panels, and virtual booths created by the top remote companies hiring. 

Each company’s booth will have details about their organization, relevant information for job seekers, and the ability to chat with and answer questions from attendees.

Though the main events (workshops and panels) will take place on March 17, attendees will be able to interact with these companies through March 18, all thanks to asynchronous communication.

What Is an
Async Remote Job Fair?

Asynchronous communication allows more people to work when they want, from wherever they want. And we wanted the same for our 2022 Remote Job Fair! 

So we decided to go full async for the very first time, allowing more people to join and enjoy the job fair whenever it works best for them.

With this async switch, registered attendees can:

  • Join from anywhere in the world whenever it’s most convenient.

  • Ask questions beforehand, so you don’t have to do so “live.”

  • Interact with remote companies whenever you want.

  • Enjoy pre-recorded workshops and panels, and re-watch them when it’s best for you (until March 25).

So no matter when you can squeeze in the time to attend our job fair, all the valuable information and actionable intel will be there waiting for you.

Speaking of that, here’s what we have in store for our attendees:

During the First Async Remote Job Fair, You Will:

1. Learn the exact skills you need to successfully apply for the remote job of your dreams and increase your chances of landing it.

2. Interact with leading remote companies from across the globe during our three-day event. You can thoughtfully prepare and send messages at the time that works for you, then reps from those companies will reply when it works for them.

3. Get your questions answered about remote work, applying to remote roles, and interviewing remotely, so you’re 100% prepared when the time comes. Head over to We Work Remotely’s social media to ask your questions, then we’ll answer them during the workshops and panels that go live on March 17.

4. Watch pre-recorded workshops and panels (for up to a week after the job fair!). Since we really want you to take advantage of the knowledge our instructors and panelists will share, we’re not putting a 24- or 48-hour time limit on how long you can catch a replay. You’ll have until March 25 to watch and soak up all this intel.

5. Meet the top remote companies hiring. Get to know these stellar organizations in the remote hiring world and see if your values align with their company missions. Learn more about their company culture, core values, ways of working remotely, etc., to determine whether they’re the right fit for you.

Sound like something you’d be interested in?

Register for the 2022 WWR Remote Job Fair Now!

If you haven’t registered for our remote job fair yet, whatcha waiting for?! It’s free!

Just click this link and fill out the short form to get your exclusive access to the event.

We’ll also send you remote job alerts about positions available in your field once you register, so you’ll never miss an opportunity you’d be perfect for.

With your registration all squared away, you’ll want to scope out:

Everything You Need To Know About Using the Virtual Venue

Now that you know more about our remote job fair, let’s dive into how to make the most of it. Use this 3-step checklist to prepare your game plan:

1. Check Out Hopin, Our Virtual Venue and Event Space

Our remote job fair will take place on Hopin, an awesome and super user-friendly virtual venue and event platform. 

Don’t worry if this is your first time using Hopin. Learn how simple it is to access an event as an attendee here

Make sure to head over to The Profile tab to update your information. There you can add your name, an avatar, email, headline, bio, and links to your social profiles. This will make connecting with others you meet at the event a breeze.

Don’t forget to check your browser compatibility beforehand! Hopin works well on desktop and mobile alike, so this step should be a piece of cake.

Once you’re at the remote job fair, you’ll find:

Pre-recorded Workshops and Panels from instructors and panelists who are leaders in the remote work space. You’ll have access to these recordings until March 25.

Expo - Virtual Job Booths. Visit the Expo between watch sessions to meet and greet reps from all the top remote companies that interest you. Learn more about their cultures, the positions they have open, and what it takes to apply to their teams.

Each company will have its own booth, so you can make networking connections while chatting with team members and asking thoughtful questions.

Here’s a list of remote companies that will be in attendance:
  • Sherpa
  • Remote
  • Doist
  • Shogun
  • Upstack
  • Komoot

Some of these remote pros will also be participating in workshops and panels you’ll want to add to your watchlist.

2. Add these Events To Your Watchlist

Just like with an in-person job fair, it pays to do a bit of homework ahead of time so you can make the most of your time at the event.

Our incredible sponsors have put together a fantastic lineup that we’re thrilled to share with you:

  • Sherpa’s Workshop: How to Effectively Apply to Remote Jobs. This panel will highlight and discuss Location-Based Salaries.
  • Remote Workshop: Tips For Putting Yourself Out There and Getting Noticed
  • Upstack Workshop: How to Have Effective Remote Job Interviews
  • Komoot Workshop: Skills to Work Remotely

Since these all take place asynchronously, you don’t have to stress about trying to squeeze everything into a packed schedule. You can add these events to your watchlist and view them when it’s most convenient for you.

You’ll soak up everything our experts have to offer without missing a thing!

3. Send Us Your Questions ASAP

It’s also a good idea to write down any questions you’d like answered, whether from top remote companies or from our panel of thought leaders.

Send these questions over to our social media so they can be answered during the event. Now you won’t have to sit by your computer “live” to be part of the discussion.

We Can’t Wait to See You at Our 2022 Remote Job Fair!

After reading this guide, you now have everything you need to make the most out of this year’s WWR Remote Job Fair. You just have to register for our event to get the ball rolling!

Play around with Hopin to familiarize yourself with their platform before our event kicks off. Create a list of workshops and panels you don’t want to miss. And don’t forget to send us all your thoughtful questions!

We know you’ll have a blast at our job fair and learn how to take your remote career to the next level. So we hope you’re getting excited to attend -- we’re pumped you’ll be there!

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