
Day in the Life of a Remote Worker: Omar Zenhom

Day in the Life of a Remote Worker

This spotlight illustrates how each remote worker finds freedom and productivity in their everyday life, in their unique way. Get inspired and see how you can improve your workspace, workflow, and work/life balance.

Name: Omar Zenhom
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Current Job: Co-Founder & CEO, WebinarNinja
Current Location: Sydney, Australia
Current Computer: MacBook Pro
Current mobile devices: iPhone XS Max

What does your typical workday look like? 

I wake up every morning at 6am so I can have a slow morning with a good breakfast, in addition to the usual shower/shave routine. 

At 7:30 I have a daily standup with our developers, then I get to all the CEO stuff at 8:00. That includes whatever’s in my “To Do’s” on Basecamp, running webinars, taking calls, having meetings, etc.

At noon, I work out. 

I have lunch at 1, and then I get down to recording content. We have a podcast, The $100 MBA Show, and I also record demo videos, videos for courses, and anything else that requires me to be in our home “studio.”

At 5, I have another standup with the developers. Then I create my “ToDo’s” for the following day. Finally, I stop working at 6pm. Then it’s time to shut down, and start helping my co-founder and partner Nicole make dinner.

Describe your workspace setup:

Our company has always been 100% remote, including Nicole and me. We have a home office, where I keep an adjustable desk that lets me stand or sit, depending on what I’m doing. 

My desk is pretty minimalist and tchotchke-free. I just have my keyboard, a 27” monitor, and all my webinar gear: that’s a boom arm and mic, a ring light, and my webcam. Sometimes there’s a cat, too.

What do you listen to while you work?

DJ Nicole has some go-to Spotify playlists: Brain Food and Lo-fi Hip-Hop, for example. But I kinda tune everything out when I work, so most days I couldn’t tell you if she was playing Brahms or Biggie. 

Aside from your phone and computer, name a gadget you can’t live without in your workspace:

My Kindle
The ATR 2100 Microphone from AudioTechnica
The Logitech Brio webcam

Connect with Omar:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ozenhom 

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