

Jobs posted: 1

Wellington, New Zealand


Our company (un-named as there has been more important problems to solve) provides a software as a service solution to secondary and tertiary education institutions to help them deal with accessible AI (such as ChatGPT).

We subscribe to many of the values of 37 signals, with one notable exception around raising capital to increase our sales growth rate – if we believe we have found a scalable, repeatable sales process, we'll consider taking capital to forward invest in growth as the solution/market we're targeting will likely be a land-grab.

We intend to have a 10% profit-share with active employees similar to 37 signals (once profitable), and we are open to allowing early employees forego (part or all of) their salary to earn slices of the company.

Wellington, New Zealand



Jobs posted: 1

Our company (un-named as there has been more important problems to solve) provides a software as a service solution to secondary and tertiary education institutions to help them deal with accessible AI (such as ChatGPT).

We subscribe to many of the values of 37 signals, with one notable exception around raising capital to increase our sales growth rate – if we believe we have found a scalable, repeatable sales process, we'll consider taking capital to forward invest in growth as the solution/market we're targeting will likely be a land-grab.

We intend to have a 10% profit-share with active employees similar to 37 signals (once profitable), and we are open to allowing early employees forego (part or all of) their salary to earn slices of the company.