
Solar Lead Factory

Jobs posted: 20

Oakland, CA


SolarLeadFactory was founded to help accelerate the adoption rate of solar power, but there's more to the story.

For over a decade we've pondered a fundamental question: how can we help inform the average person about key issues, then get them to actually take action?

These efforts have largely been focused around the intersection of the 'consumer,' technology (especially energy usage), and our environment.

We feel that business can be a massive driver of positive change and that there is a basic obligation to make the world better from our efforts.

Oakland, CA


Solar Lead Factory

Jobs posted: 20

SolarLeadFactory was founded to help accelerate the adoption rate of solar power, but there's more to the story.

For over a decade we've pondered a fundamental question: how can we help inform the average person about key issues, then get them to actually take action?

These efforts have largely been focused around the intersection of the 'consumer,' technology (especially energy usage), and our environment.

We feel that business can be a massive driver of positive change and that there is a basic obligation to make the world better from our efforts.