

Jobs posted: 1

Dallas, Texas


What we do

MyAccident.org provides a free, redacted version of police accident reports. All of the information relating to accident reports is public data.

Our online reports do not contain any private information such as names or contact details of the participants involved in the accident. However, the reports are easy to identify by people who have a legitimate connection to the accident.

MyAccident is a Public Benefit Corporation, which is a private (for-profit) organization with a social purpose. The company and this website are sponsored by legal, medical, insurance, and collision repair professionals.

Why we do what we do

Imagine if 5 fully loaded commercial airplanes dropped out of the sky every week. That is the equivalent of how many deaths there are on American roads, every single week.

Transportation organizations estimate that there are over 4 million reported accidents annually in the US. We provide help to the people involved in these accidents by allowing them to easily access an accident report and connecting them to local service providers. People also use our site to drive awareness of traffic and accident problems in their communities by sharing our accident stats and maps on social media.

How we do, what we do:

  1. We connect and combine multiple public databases to produce a massive collection of data, refreshed daily and stored securely in the cloud.
  2. We provide a free online app that lets you easily find your accident report.
  3. We provide access to helpful resources. For example, we have comprehensive guides that show to locate and obtain original copies of your accident report. Our community of users and research team keeps this information up to date for all 1000+ Police Agencies in Texas.

  4. We connect our users with businesses in the Legal, Medical, Insurance and Collision repair professions.
  5. Myaccident.org IS NOT owned or operated by, or affiliated with, any Federal, State, or City Government or any department, bureau, division or agency of any foregoing (collectively the “Government”)
  6. Myaccident.org IS A PBC – Public Benefit Corporation. This means we are a private corporation, with a social purpose. If you want to learn more about Public Benefit Corporations click here.
  7. We currently operate in Texas and California and are expanding to additional states this year.

Dallas, Texas



Jobs posted: 1

What we do

MyAccident.org provides a free, redacted version of police accident reports. All of the information relating to accident reports is public data.

Our online reports do not contain any private information such as names or contact details of the participants involved in the accident. However, the reports are easy to identify by people who have a legitimate connection to the accident.

MyAccident is a Public Benefit Corporation, which is a private (for-profit) organization with a social purpose. The company and this website are sponsored by legal, medical, insurance, and collision repair professionals.

Why we do what we do

Imagine if 5 fully loaded commercial airplanes dropped out of the sky every week. That is the equivalent of how many deaths there are on American roads, every single week.

Transportation organizations estimate that there are over 4 million reported accidents annually in the US. We provide help to the people involved in these accidents by allowing them to easily access an accident report and connecting them to local service providers. People also use our site to drive awareness of traffic and accident problems in their communities by sharing our accident stats and maps on social media.

How we do, what we do:

  1. We connect and combine multiple public databases to produce a massive collection of data, refreshed daily and stored securely in the cloud.
  2. We provide a free online app that lets you easily find your accident report.
  3. We provide access to helpful resources. For example, we have comprehensive guides that show to locate and obtain original copies of your accident report. Our community of users and research team keeps this information up to date for all 1000+ Police Agencies in Texas.

  4. We connect our users with businesses in the Legal, Medical, Insurance and Collision repair professions.
  5. Myaccident.org IS NOT owned or operated by, or affiliated with, any Federal, State, or City Government or any department, bureau, division or agency of any foregoing (collectively the “Government”)
  6. Myaccident.org IS A PBC – Public Benefit Corporation. This means we are a private corporation, with a social purpose. If you want to learn more about Public Benefit Corporations click here.
  7. We currently operate in Texas and California and are expanding to additional states this year.