

Jobs posted: 1

Venice, CA


Coveralls is a profitable startup that since 2013 has provided a service that helps developers track how their automated test suite covers their source code. Hundreds of thousands of developers rely on our code coverage tracking to make sure that their projects' test suites don't have blind spots and that new code added to their project is properly tested. Coveralls is also something of a community service - developers working on open source projects, large or small, can use Coveralls for free. We're built on OSS tools and we are proud to give back to the community by providing this service for free in perpetuity.

Venice, CA



Jobs posted: 1

Coveralls is a profitable startup that since 2013 has provided a service that helps developers track how their automated test suite covers their source code. Hundreds of thousands of developers rely on our code coverage tracking to make sure that their projects' test suites don't have blind spots and that new code added to their project is properly tested. Coveralls is also something of a community service - developers working on open source projects, large or small, can use Coveralls for free. We're built on OSS tools and we are proud to give back to the community by providing this service for free in perpetuity.