
Legaltemplates LLC

Jobs posted: 1

Vienna, Austria


LegalTemplates.net's mission is to democratize and modernize legal services around the globe. Since 2015, our platform has helped hundreds of thousands of users save millions in legal fees. LegalTemplates.net was spun out of Taroko.io, a startup incubator. Our mgmt team is led by a team of seasoned entrepreneurs, attorneys, technologists and designers. Our 35 person team is distributed across three continents, collectively speak a total of 7 languages, and have invested 300,000 man hours into building our platform.

Vienna, Austria


Legaltemplates LLC

Jobs posted: 1

LegalTemplates.net's mission is to democratize and modernize legal services around the globe. Since 2015, our platform has helped hundreds of thousands of users save millions in legal fees. LegalTemplates.net was spun out of Taroko.io, a startup incubator. Our mgmt team is led by a team of seasoned entrepreneurs, attorneys, technologists and designers. Our 35 person team is distributed across three continents, collectively speak a total of 7 languages, and have invested 300,000 man hours into building our platform.