

Jobs posted: 6

Oakland, California

51 - 250



Years Remote
3 - 5 years

OhmConnect is a 100% remote, cleantech start-up founded in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our mission is to improve the lives of people and the health of the planet by reimagining the way we all use energy. We develop best in class technology that has put us at the forefront of the Demand Response/Flexible Response energy revolution. Thousands of customers leverage our technology to reduce their electricity use at key times. Those reductions are sold back into the grid keeping dirty power plants from coming on-line, and the earnings are passed back to the customers. The grid stays balanced, less pollution is emitted, and best of all, people get paid instead of power plants. It’s a win-win-win!

Oakland, California


51 - 250

Years Remote
3 - 5 years


Jobs posted: 6

OhmConnect is a 100% remote, cleantech start-up founded in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our mission is to improve the lives of people and the health of the planet by reimagining the way we all use energy. We develop best in class technology that has put us at the forefront of the Demand Response/Flexible Response energy revolution. Thousands of customers leverage our technology to reduce their electricity use at key times. Those reductions are sold back into the grid keeping dirty power plants from coming on-line, and the earnings are passed back to the customers. The grid stays balanced, less pollution is emitted, and best of all, people get paid instead of power plants. It’s a win-win-win!