

Jobs posted: 1

Fully Remote


Dive is a virtual social space where remote teams connect, get to know each other, and create shared memories. You can see who’s online, call a group, play games, watch movies together, or bond on common interest areas. You can talk, screen share, and do video chat with a click. Check out our website - www.letsdive.io

We built Dive over the past years and launched publicly only a few months ago. Currently we have over 1000+ teams active on Dive including teams at Facebook, Gitlab, Airtable, an other top companies around the world.

Dive is backed by Seqouia, Village Global, OnDeck, and top international angels investors. Our team is fully remote and located in 4 different countries. 

Fully Remote



Jobs posted: 1

Dive is a virtual social space where remote teams connect, get to know each other, and create shared memories. You can see who’s online, call a group, play games, watch movies together, or bond on common interest areas. You can talk, screen share, and do video chat with a click. Check out our website - www.letsdive.io

We built Dive over the past years and launched publicly only a few months ago. Currently we have over 1000+ teams active on Dive including teams at Facebook, Gitlab, Airtable, an other top companies around the world.

Dive is backed by Seqouia, Village Global, OnDeck, and top international angels investors. Our team is fully remote and located in 4 different countries.